Mark Waller (President & CEO) is a retired federal law enforcement professional with over 21 years of service dedicated to domestic and international investigations. Mark worked as a Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) assigned to the prestigious New York Division. Mark also brings 36+ years of combat and leadership skills as a reserve member of the United States Air Force (USAF), with 26+ years of those as an Intelligence Officer. Mark is a graduate of Villanova University and has also completed graduate level studies at Villanova. Throughout his career he has attended numerous investigative, analytical and leadership level training programs conducted by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and United States Air Force (USAF).
Criminal / Civil Investigations
Site and Event Security
Site Investigations
Interviews / Statements
Surveillance / Photography / Video
Alive and Well Verification
Asset Protection / Location
Counter-Surveillance Detection
Pharmaceutical Oversight
***Act 235 Armed Agents Available Upon Request***